About us

About us

It is out of great love that brought two enthusiasts together. One love (his) to the forest, hunting dogs, nature and hunting, and the other (her) to dogs, infected with hunting 
passion, (together) created the Dzika Gościna FCI home kennel. Pointers have been accompanying us on our hunting journey for three generations. They were always well 
behaved dogs. However, since we have females, we decided to breed our own deeply thought-out line, both German Shorthaired Pointersand Bracco italiano. 

About exhibitions

For us, dog shows are a place where we meet old friends, make new friends and have a great time. In addition, the opinions of the judges and the top ranks that our dogs win prove that the exterior in our kennel is at the highest level. We want the breed standards to be preserved in their purest form. Our dogs are exhibited at international, both in Poland and abroad, national, hunting and club exhibitions. We are very successful, and this drives us and
gives us a lot of energy.

About hunting

Working in our kennel is as important as the exterior. That is why we put great emphasis on developing passion and active participation in hunting competitions and hunting itself. Our dogs are characterized by perfect wind, perfect pointing, obedience mastered to perfection, all this thanks to regular training and many hours of work in the hunting ground. Pointers, due to their versatility, are the largest group among hunting dog breeds not only in Poland, but also in the world. We want the offspring that leave our kennel to fulfill themselves hunting, and if they go to a home without hunters, we would like the new owners, apart from love, to give them the opportunity to work. We will be happy to help and teach new owners how to make pointers happy and fulfilled, and their guides happy with their pupils.